Ebb and flow

I’m not really sure whether being caught in an “ebb” means you’re really busy, or if being in a “flow” means you’re busy. In any case, I’ve been feeling like I’ve just been caught up in the general ebb and flow of everything, and as a consequence time has just gotten away from me. Not that anything especially special has been going on lately. Just a lot of working during the day and spending too much time playing around on my laptop during the evening hours. I wrote up a few posts about what I’ve been up to, but they are still half-finished. I’ll have to come back to them later.

Awhile back, I wrote about how much technology was taking over my life. I made the conscious effort to be aware (at least for one night) and step away for a little while. I turned off my laptop and…I did a lot of stuff. Stuff that needed to be done (laundry, dishes, cleaning…), stuff that I wanted to do (read a book, finish a project that’s been sitting on my counter for a month).

I did twelve different things in 3 hours! Maybe I was just finding stuff to do, but it was eye-opening. I felt much more productive, even if 75% of it was puttering around my apartment doing things I should have been doing anyway.

In light of that recent test, I’m on the hunt for more interesting things to do with myself. I need a new “hobby.” I’d like to find something to do that’s not sitting on my computer all the time or housework, but my city is a little boring. I could finish reading my pile of half-finished books, or finish knitting my half-finished blanket (I am not that much of a slacker…it just happens that I started a blanket without realizing how looooooong it would take. Serious com-knit-ment if you know what I mean). I’m not really sure what to try. Any suggestions?

On the road again

My friends and I have been on vacation in the Smoky Mountains for the last week. We planned this trip back in July and were so thankful that the parks reopened so we could fully enjoy our trip.

We had a great time. We rented a cabin and spent five days hiking in Tennessee and North Carolina. This is the second time I’ve been to the Smokies but it was a totally different experience in the fall. The leaves were beautiful and we actually got to experience some cold weather Living in Flatlandia, AKA Louisiana, means that we have no fall colors and no fall weather. We were in heaven.

It’s always sad when vacation is over. This one was long-overdue, as I haven’t had a siesta from my job in a year. And I love to travel! Getting away and breathing in the cool mountain air after a long hike was much-needed.

I am also a terrible photographer. I have a week’s worth of photos of leaves and streams and I know they all look the same. I have many talents but I don’t think nature photography is one of them. Oh well. 🙂


Busy as a bee

I haven’t posted in the last couple of weeks, but I’m checking in to say that I haven’t forgotten my blog over here!

It’s a busy time of the year and there are a lot of things going on at work and in general. I’ve been doing a lot of napping in my free time instead of post-writing (oops). I’ve got a few posts in the works though about everything going on and they’ll be up here soon.

Until then, hope everyone has a happy Friday and a great weekend!